Everything You Need and Want to Know About Massage Therapy CAM
From CAM's Owner, Tamara Stevenson:1. What To Expect With Your Massage Therapy SessionWhen you first arrive, you should expect to be warmly welcomed into a clean and quite healing space. If you haven't already done so online, there will be a brief health history form to fill out upon arrival. Your therapist will listen carefully to you and discuss in detail, your personal goals and needs for the session, and your treatment path.
After your paperwork and initial consultation are over, the therapist will step out of the room to allow you to undress to your comfort level, and position yourself comfortably on the table underneath the sheets. 2. Why You Should and Should Not, Get A MassageAside from the exhaustive benefits of massage, you should get a massage to increase awareness of your body's needs, complaints, strengths, and problem areas. You should pursue massage therapy to recover from injuries, accelerate healing, alleviate chronic pain, reduce stress, and cleanse your body, as well as, mind. And though massage is non-invasive, relaxing, and generally considered safe for most people, CAM adheres to the following three types of restrictions in place to protect the health and well-being of all: Total, Local, and Medical Contraindications:
Our practitioners have put the following restrictions in place to protect your well being and health. Total Contraindications When any of the following conditions apply, please do not book a massage:
Local Contraindications When massage can be performed, but not over any of the following areas:
Medical Contraindications If you suffer from any of the following conditions, massage can only be given once it has been approved before your session in writing by your physician.
Does a contraindication mean that massage cannot take place? Not always. In fact, massage can be very therapeutic for many medical conditions. However, in the above cases it is best to have advice from your physician. Massage therapists, unless they are also qualified doctors, may not, under the law, attempt to diagnose a condition. 3. Can I Talk During My Massage?Most prefer not to talk –but some do find talking therapeutic in itself. The therapist generally follows the client's lead. I encourage and inquire feedback about pressure and level of personal comfort during a massage. One of the first principals I learned as a therapist is that receiving a massage, is as much an art, as giving a massage. I personally, encourage concentration and less talking during the session, as the power of being present or focused on the task at hand is especially therapeutic during massage. The use of diaphragmatic breaths and mindfulness are part of each session and lead to optimal outcomes.
Most important, is that you know not to hesitate or speak up if something is uncomfortable. You are the expert of you, and what your comfort level is. Adjustments of any kind are easily made and may be necessary for an excellent client experience. 4. How Often Should I Come In For a Massage?If you are working on a specific injury or chronic pain problem, for your benefit, once a week is strongly recommended until you have reached your goal. As a professional, I will provide guidelines and workable options in a pre-scheduled care plan to achieve reachable and realistic outcomes.
5. Should I Tip After a Massage?Monetary tips are always appreciated, but NOT expected. The quality of service remains constant. Re-booking, reviews, and referrals are invaluable tips to Colorado Advanced Massage!